When I was 7, I was excited to wear a tulle dress my dad bought
for the first time. I was curious about how the light bounced between
the layers when I shifted my legs. My dad’s bible teacher’s wife told me
to stop with my seductive behavior.

When I was 9, I tried wearing a dress again after two years.
I liked the floral pattern, and it made me feel really pretty.
My bible teacher pulled me aside to scold me as the elders
found my exposed knees “distracting.”

When I was 10, my body was standing, doing nothing.
My body covered itself out of shame.
My body went mute out of fear.
My body lied that he was nice to me out of kindness.
How dare he walk away after leaving my body rugged like that?

When I was 15, I left the cult.
The echoes of the other girls and boys shamed
by the elders for reporting were too loud.

Who the hell made this system?
The elders? The patriarchy? Jehovah?
I’ll crush them all and take back what was mine.