weekly c 2/4

The past week we worked on the exercises- hypertext and 5 variations.
It was fun to experiment, and I did almost everything I wanted to achieve.
For hypertext, I had fun thinking about how the viewer can interact with the links.
If I had more time, I would've added images and gifs that were my own.
Also, if I did the exercise differently, I would have write a plan tree of choices the viewer could make.
I didn't write any plan out, so I got lost with how the pages path out if I went something more open-world.
To compromise, I ended up with a linear path.

I enjoyed styling on the Five Variations and finally learned how to make interesting backgrounds instead of a flat color.
Backgrounds were frustrating at first because the images and radial gradient wouldn't fill the whole page.
It was a quick fix using repeat or background-attachment.
The pre tag was helpful with text formatting.
Also, I finally learned how to change fonts from this basic Times New Roman to something more dynamic

like this impact font.

With styling, I made my poem about being quiet so loud.

Project 1 was introduced and it's basically make a portfolio site.
I already made an artist website for my professional practices class a year ago.
Looking at the websites that I picked for references, I think I'll be experimenting with text.
Going crazy with styling maybe to a point of being unreadable and not worrying about looking professional.
I have made a lot of writing that I have trouble sharing to my art website, so maybe this project will be its home.

Other interesting things:
We also learned how to do flex in css. The link should be here.
The discussion about online identity made me think about how I present myself on the internet vs. irl.
Also, how the experience is different for other people like black women.
Reading the article, I can relate to some points as I am also a woman of color.