weekly b 1/29

This week we learned the Div tag. I didn't knew there were different types.

This div tag is sticky and is basically the default setting.

Also through CSS, I learned how to do some styling things like adding borders and color to those borders.

This is the relative class, and this block is relative to the content around it.

The next class is absolute.

This block is pinned on this point. I think this block is cool. I might use it often for our poem exercise.

We were assigned two exercises too. The first one is to use links to make a narrative. We can only use html, no css styling. I have an idea to make the narrative about a day of my life as a studio art major. My problem is keeping track of the links. I assume that I'll make at least 20 html files. And use the a tag a lot. I also want to try adding gifs since I know how to make one in photoshop.

Our second exercise is to take a poem and make 5 variations of it. We can experiment styling with css. I didn't want to bother looking for a poem to play around with. So, I used my own writing from my artist statements. I also learned about the pre tag.

 You can add text
                 add space here and there
                        add line breaks without adding a tag

            and the text will come out formatted like it is in code.
            This will be helpful. 

The discussion was interesting. It made me think more about UX design and making the design more accessible. From what I remembered from the few Graphic design classes I took before switching to Studio Arts, experimenting with font types and color combos yet maintaining readability. I didn't think that certain colors were used for accessibility.