
weekly a 1/20

It was fun to re-learn how to code in HTML. The last time I used HTML was during my first semester as a first-year student at UMASS - Lowell. It was for my digital foundations class; I don’t remember much class material since it was over five years ago. We had one assignment to write about a childhood memory in HTML. I think we had to use Adobe Dreamweaver. For some reason, I wrote about the time my dad and I were testing out cars at a dealership store, and I cried in the back car seat after hitting my head due to my dad’s terrible driving. I still have the file, but I don’t recommend looking at it. I made unreadable styling choices.

I did learn new things too. Like just now, I can add space between two paragraphs. I know how to add headers

Like this

I can headers smaller too

It's getting smaller

And smaller

And smallest

Here's a list of classes I'm currently taking

From the readings for the World Wide Web discussion, I found the WWW timeline very interesting. It was cool to see the Internet's firsts and how fast it developed. Even though I have used Youtube and Twitter for years, I didn't knew the first video and tweet uploaded.

Lastly, Lunar New Year is coming up. 2023 is the year of the rabbit. Enjoy this picture of a rabbit.
